What is involved in a dental implant procedure?
Hi, my name is Dr Zina Mahdi, and I am the Principal Dentist at the Northern Dental Design.
Recently I actually finished treating our wonderful patient, Sandra, who lives in Mill Park. She’s been a patient with us for three years now. And as a child, she was born with congenitally missing front teeth, and she has had a temporary denture that she has worn until the age of 25.
And Sandra said to me recently, “Zina, what can we do about this? I want to get rid of this.” And we spoke about dental implants. And it dawned upon me that a lot of people don’t actually know how a dental implant is done. And so I thought I’d make a short video to help you understand what happens when a patient goes for a dental implant treatment and how to make sure that the dental implant you get is going to be done well.
If you’re interested in getting a dental implant, the first step is we will organise a consultation for you, where we’ll go through your medical history to make sure you are eligible to have an implant. We will take a dental x-ray to assess your bone and gum level in the area where we will be placing the implant.
After the implant is placed, you will visit us for regular reviews. We will take more dental x-rays to check the healing of the gum around the implant. We must see the ball wrapped around the implant to hold it in place. This normally takes three to six months.
Now, don’t worry if the implant you need is in a place where it’s visible for people, because you will have a temporary tooth in the area. So no one will notice.
Once your implant is completely healed, we will then take some scans of your teeth. We will also have our resident photographer take some shade selection, matching your teeth to the crown that will sit on the implant.
Then we will process the final crown for you. This is the tooth that will be turned into the implant that is non-removable, and it will allow you to eat and smile with confidence. That’s how simple an implant procedure is with us here at the Northern Dental Design.
So if you have a missing tooth, you are considering a more permanent solution and you are based in North Melbourne, why not come and have a consultation here at Northern Dental Design, and we will give you an expert opinion of your options. Just go to our website, fill in the enquiry form, or give us a call, or direct message us on social media, and we will be in touch to help you organise your consultation. See you in the next video.
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