Between all the probiotics that come with healthful living, and the bacteria that creates periodontal disease, there’s no guarantee it’ll be the good bacteria dwelling your mouth…
Orthodontics Articles
Why It Is That We Have Issues With Our Teeth?
Disorders. We live in a disordered world of disorders. Depression and anxiety ones, bipolar, ischemic heart disease, diabetes mellitus all at epidemic levels amid a pandemic, and now orthodontic disorders make that list. It’s a bit like the 27 Club for disease. Ninety...
Do Teenagers Take Care of Their Teeth As Much As Their Dentists Wish They Did?
Some parents may be rolling their eyes already after reading the title of this article. Teenagers taking care of their teeth: Do they or don’t they? Hygiene can be an issue at various stages of an adolescent’s life. Sometimes they seem hardwired to neglect some of the...
Metal Braces: Iron Age Technology Still Has a Shiny Future
These days, there are various forms of braces, from traditional metal to wire braces. No matter your preference, each of these is an effective way to straighten the teeth. A traditional brace is a combination of wires and brackets attached to the front teeth. Its...
Invisalign: Before You Decide On Clear Aligners: Things To Know
Taking action toward anything you really want requires some kind of compromise, some kind of sacrifice. It involves making choices between immediate wants, and what needs to happen for visions to become reality. Apparently the road to success involves...
Teeth Grinding
Bruxism is the involuntary clenching, grinding and gnashing of the teeth. About half of the population does it from time to time. Around 5%..
5 Reasons To Straighten Your Teeth
Many people associate orthodontic treatment with only a means to fix crooked teeth. True, orthodontic care can correct crowding, gaps…
Top Things to Do Before You Get Braces
Getting braces is a big step towards getting your dream smile. But there are some steps that you need to take first…
Whitening, Crowns and Veneers
Aesthetic dentistry, often incorrectly referred to as “cosmetic dentistry”, is the term used to describe treatments which change the…
10 Benefits of Straight Teeth
Many people consider crooked teeth to be a cosmetic issue, but the health benefits of straight teeth are actually quite significant…